Professionals Go Back To School webinars for companies

Webinar outline

Would you like to know how to register to the "STEM Professionals Go Back to School" tool? Are you interested to visit a school to talk about your career and passion for your job during STEM Discovery Week ?

From the 24th to the 28th of April - ore around this dates - all schools across Europe will engage in activites to promote Science, Technology, Engineerging and Mathematics: your best chance to volunteer and have a positive impact on society!

If that's the case, then pick one of the webinars we have organised for companies and register below!

You will be ready to organise an activity collaboratively with a teacher to raise pupils' awareness on STEM careers. 

You can either visit a school you are already in contact with (school of your children, family, or local schools) or look for a contact through to the tool.

Programme of the webinar

Introduction to the PGBS scheme: Aims and benefits of volunteering
Presentation of the booklet: How to organise a visit in a class? Steps to keep in mind before, during and after the visit
Presentation and guided tour of the PGBS tool: How to get in touch with schools and teachers near you
Spread the word about PGBS: The communication material
Best practices examples
Q&A session

Available Dates

In order to allow everybody to participate to the webinars, there are going to be two dates:

  • Thursday 6th April, 12:30 CET
  • Thursday 13th April, 12:30 CET

Subscribe now!

In order to subscribe for the webinar, you have to fill one of the Google Forms below. You will then receive a confirmation email with the link for accessing the webinar and the technical instructions.

Thursday 6th April - 12:30

Thursday 13th April - 12:30

Find out more

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Professionals Go Back to School Scheme





