STEM Professionals Go Back To School Scheme - Webinar for teachers and schools

Webinar Outline and Links

The first webinar for the "STEM Professionals Go Back to School" scheme series took place on Wednesday, the 12th of April 2017 from 17:30 to 18:30 (CET).

Webinar Summary

The objective of the webinar was to give teachers, career counsellors, educational authorities, researchers and school principals an insight regarding the scheme and its functions.

The webinar lasted one hour and was hosted by experts from both the STEM Alliance and European Schoolnet.

During the webinars, participants were given information about how to organize a visit from a STEM professionals and how to concretely get in touch with a professional throughout the unique STEM Professionals Back To School Tool.

Moreover, the speakers provided some example of activities related to professionals visiting schools and useful tips and advices related to the pedagogical aspects of the visit.

The webinar followed this programme:

More than 55 participants took part took part to the webinar, which was introduced by Maïté Debry, who provided the participants with a preliminary explanation of the STEM Alliance project and then with a more specific insight about the aims and benefits of the "STEM Professionals Go Back To School" scheme.

The pedagogical dimension of the scheme was addressed by Evita Tasioupoulou, who presented the "STEM Professionals Go Back To School" booklet, explaining how to better organize in practice the visit of a professional in the class.

Silvia Giacon dealt with the concrete guidelines of the "STEM Professionals Go Back To School" tool and with a step by step walthrough on how to register to the tool and how to get in touch with professionals.

The communication perspective of the "STEM Professionals Go Back To School" scheme was finally taken into account by Giacomo Galardini, who gave tips and advice on how to engage the audience on social media and how to increase the outreach of the scheme through the communication material.

You can find the recording of the webinar here:

Webinar presentation - PGB2S - Schools