How To Become a Partner
The STEM Alliance offers new partners an opportunity to reinforce the links between STEM education and STEM careers. Numerous partners from the private sector are already engaged.
How you can get involved
Contact us today to become part of the STEM Alliance:
- As Premium Partner, you will enjoy widespread visibility in all our communication channels and can plan concrete activities to be conducted by the STEM Alliance. You will be in the driving seat as part of the STEM Alliance governing body with the power to set the strategic direction of the STEM Alliance.
- As General Partner, you are branded as partner in our communication channels and can bring in your ideas to the governing body. You will be able to participate in most events and activities organised by the STEM Alliance.
For more information on different levels of partnerships and activities for all companies in Europe, please contact:
European Schoolnet Ivana Kovac STEM Alliance Coordinator Email: Phone: 0032 (0)2 790 75 63 | European Schoolnet Luigi Prisco Project Support Coordinator Email: Phone: 0032 (0)2 790 75 63 | European Schoolnet Rocio Benito Press and Communications Coordinator Email: Phone: 0032 (0)2 790 75 63 |
Connection with Schools
Enrich the strategy to reduce the STEM skills gap & to support STEM education connecting with schools.
- Contribute to enliven and energise STEM teaching in Europe by offering real, live industrial situations which can be integrated in Science lessons.
- Benefit from feedback from schools on the industrial STEM practices from a pedagogical and teaching context.
- Be involved in the design and animation of training sessions for STEM teachers.
Promotion of Business/Education collaboration
Provides a central place for the promotion of Business/Education in STEM Education
- Actively promote all the various initiatives developed by companies in the STEM area.
- Get support, through various training activities, in promoting STEM jobs.
- Promotion of company's volunteering programme.
- Benefit from the tools to reinforce and professionalise school-industry cooperation in STEM education.
Policy platform
Access a policy platform
- Ministries and companies discuss STEM teaching and learning challenges for the future
- Companies reward innovative STEM schools and teachers
- Companies support the publication of analysis and surveys which will inform strategic recommendations for policymakers