ICT in STEM Education - Impacts and Challenges

ON STUDENTS. A STEM Alliance Literature Review June 2017

The ICT in STEM Education - Impacts and Challenges (on students) report focuses on how STEM education can improve students' learning outcomes and skills development, with the help of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT).

This report is based on a literature review carried out in 2016 and tries to answer the question of what are the impacts and challenges of ICT in STEM education from the students' viewpoint. In particular, the report analyses the areas of students' skills and learning outcomes, the effects of ICT use in terms of contents, axiological dimensions (like motivation, attitudes, interest, confidence, self-esteem and perceptions) and gender, and the risks and limitations involved in the use of ICT.

This publication has been written by European Schoolnet, with the support of the STEM Alliance project. Particularly, it is part of the STEM Alliance series of literature review reports and special issues that address the question of what are the impacts and challenges of ICT in STEM teaching and learning, from the viewpoint of the stakeholders involved.

The aim of the series is to provide suggestions and guidelines for all stakeholders interested in promoting ICT in STEM education at both primary and secondary school level as well as to contribute to the challenge of integrating ICT tools in STEM education and improving students' learning and attitudes towards STEM subjects and careers.

Download the publication here.


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