Professionals Go Back To School webinars for schools

Webinar outline

The purpose of the STEM Professionals Go Back To School webinar for schools is to give teachers, career counsellors, educational authorities, researchers and school principals an insight regarding the scheme. 

The webinars will be conducted by STEM Alliance and European Schoolnet experts who will help you understand how to participate to the Professional Go Back To School scheme. Moreover, you will be given information about how to organize a visit from a STEM professionals and how to concretely get in touch with a professional throughout the unique STEM Professionals Back To School Tool.

Additionally, you will be provided with excellent practice examples of activities related to professionals visiting schools, useful tips and advices related to the pedagogical aspects of the visit and last but not least, how to spread the word about the scheme with the Professionals Go Back To School communication material.

Programme of the webinar

Introduction to the PGBS scheme: Aims and benefits
Presentation of the booklet: How to organise a visit from a STEM professional? Steps to keep in mind before, during and after the visit
Presentation and guided tour of the PGBS tool: How to get in touch with professionals from the STEM industry
Spread the word about PGBS: The communication material
Best practices examples
Q&A session

Available Dates

In order to allow everybody to participate to the webinars, there are going to be two dates:

  • Tuesday 4th April, 17:30 CET
  • Wednesday 12th April, 17: 30 CET

Subscribe now!

In order to subscribe for the webinar, you have to fill one of the Google Forms below. You will then receive a confirmation email with the link for accessing the webinar and the technical instructions.

Tuesday 4th April - 17:30


Wednesday 12th April - 17:30

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Professionals Go Back to School Scheme





