STEM Role models from companies inspiring the students' careers of tomorrow

Who do you reach?

Inspire and motivate students and pupils to pursue STEM careers by bringing your experience from working in STEM into class! Encourage them to progress further in their careers and STEM skills and make a positive impact in their future.

Collaborate with schools and teachers

By having STEM talks in classes and schools you contribute to develop and improve teachers ideas about topics and activities to include in the curriculum.

How do you benefit? 

By cooperating with teachers and schools, you will:

  • provide your company with contacts in local schools 
  • have an impact on societal change and the needs of STEM new talents 
  • give visibility to your engagement in addressing the STEM skills gap

How can you start?

  1. Download the informative brochure
  2. Learn about the existing programmes and check the experience of testimonials. You can also get some information by checking the webinars
  3. Look for teachers interested to host you in their schools through the online tool and read the user guide on how to get in touch with him/her
  4. Get ready for your talk by reading the handbook and describe the activity through the tool
  5. Share your experience about the visit by filling this form or by writing an email to stemalliance (at), or by sharing it along with the hashtag #PGB2S on Twitter and Facebook!

Are you already active organising STEM careers talks with role models?

  1. Map your activity through the tool and invite your teacher to register - Insert your activity on the map
  2. Share your experience about giving career talks in schools by filling this form or by writing an email to stemalliance (at), or by sharing it along with the hashtag #PGB2S on Twitter and Facebook!



Find out more

Existing programmes


Access the tool

Guide to organise
your event
