Competition Judging
Event and Video Category
At the end of the submission period, STEM Alliance evaluators will select 10 Event submissions and 1 Video submission as winners based on the following criteria:
Relevance to STEM topic and accuracy of the knowledge presented.
Originality of entries, pertinence, novelty, creativity and didactical approach
Pedagogical Value: Clear goals and objectives, motivation, presentation of resources, specific learning tasks, adaptability to individual needs
Relevance of the actions designed and implemented within the project
Clarity of ideas and conclusions, explaining in a clear way, demonstrating a good understanding of the theme
Effective communication of the project and its results
Presentation of entries, style, layout, design and good use of technology
Additional points will be given to entries that involve relevant stakeholders (e.g. companies, science and research centres, educational authorities, municipalities, and/or parents) which bring an added value to the STEM activities featured in the event.
Public vote video award
STEM Alliance will post the video on STEM Alliance official Facebook and Twitter accounts. An additional award will be given to a video with the largest public support on these official accounts. Votes on other accounts will not be taken into account. The video will be selected using the amount of retweets or likes on Facebook to measure its popularity.
For the Scientix Community Category
The award for this category will be for the participant who, by 28th March 2017 has done the best coverage of STEM education events. The STEM Alliance team in collaboration with Scientix will select a winner taking into account the amount of material published and its quality.